Phases 1 and 2

Phase 1: Years 1, 2, and 3

Year 1:

  • Develop a set of Points of Promise Gifted Mathematical Behaviors for all students including English learners.
  • Develop a set of linguistically and culturally neutral problem-based activities that as a group elicit the full set of Points of Promise Gifted Mathematical Behaviors.
  • Develop a list of accompanying critical and creative thinking questions as prompts and probes to elicit Points of Promise behaviors.
  • Create training videos of teachers using the problem-based activities and questions.
  • Develop a professional learning session on implementing Project EAGLE to use with teachers in Year 2

Year 2:

  • Pilot the Project EAGLE professional learning sessions with 8 teachers.
  • Observe the teachers implementing the Project EAGLE process in their classrooms throughout the year.
  • Debrief with teachers on the implementation experience.
  • Use teacher feedback to refine the process and make continuous progress.

Year 3:

  • Implement Project EAGLE in 10 schools with on-site training in each district for teachers in Grades 3 and 4.
  • Observe Project EAGLE implementation in the 10 schools.
  • Review teacher nominations for gifted services for increases in English Learner nominations.
  • Use teacher feedback to refine and elaborate Project EAGLE professional learning to develop a train-the-trainer model.

Phase 2: Years 4 and 5

Year 4:

  • Implement a train-the-trainer model by building a cadre of 15 teachers (5 each from Arizona, Colorado, and Texas) to train classroom teachers, gifted specialists, and EL teachers across their state.
  • Conduct a train-the-trainer week on  implementing the Project EAGLE process to elicit gifted math behaviors in English learners and conducting an effective professional learning workshop.
  • Each trainer will conduct a minimum of five workshops in their state.
  • Throughout the year, the trainers will maintain a forum for participants to provide continued collegial sharing to support successful implementation of Project EAGLE.
  • Review teacher nominations for gifted services for increases in English Learner nominations.

Year 5:

  • Continue to follow the use of Project EAGLE in the schools where it  was implemented in Year 4.
  • Synthesize the data and write articles, summaries, and brochures.
  • Finalize professional learning modules on training the trainers and implementing Project EAGLE.
  • Review outcomes to develop recommendations for how Project EAGLE components may be used or adapted for other underrepresented populations.
  • Expand our website for use by others who will want to use our dynamic approach after the project is finished.
  • Share Project EAGLE at state and national conferences.